Wednesday 1 October 2014

Two thousand and fourteen.

It's been awhile, guys. I have abandoned this blog for a long time and fyi I have entered to a college in the UK, and had an external examination at the end of AS academic year.

It was a rough, long unexpected journey of my life. I wish I could tell you guys more about this, as I used to do. At the moment I'm at home with my mom and dad, the feelings are very similar of what I've had on my 2013 gap year.... yet now, I just get myself a bunch of books for A Levels reference and career guidance, which I really have to spend tonnes of hours fixing up my academic enhancement. I can't even explain much of what I've learned two years back which is really upsetting.

And yes actually I am on a study break, filling this empty space uploading this very new first blog post this year.

My mom just asked me why I am taking so long on the computer oh gosh I said I gonna take half an hour as I just watched Will Darbyshire's new weekly video. 

Talking about recent interest like Finn I mentioned in the previous one, (lol) I kinda always change my favourites... lately some of the bands I like have changed the way they compose songs, but still actually loving their old works, and actually their old looks as they transformed really differently.. also I don't like changing attitude which I have complete different outlook than I used to think about.

I am lately discovering back alternative music plus also other things really. And I'm making zines and journals as inspirations of art as they're so cool for me. IDK why I didn't feel to update my social media much. Oh well, ttyl. See you guys next time.